
Outline for Compare and Contrast Essay: Methods and Examples


Compare and contrast essays are an excellent way to develop critical thinking skills and improve one’s ability to analyze information. These types of essays allow writers to explore the similarities and differences between two or more subjects, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. However, writing a compare-and-contrast essay can be challenging without a well-organized outline. In this article, the experts from our ‘write my paper service will guide you on how to create an outline for compare-and-contrast essays and provide examples for better comprehension.

Compare-and-Contrast Essay – An Overview

A compare-and-contrast essay is creative and analytical writing that requires you to study and compare two or more subjects, ideas, or concepts. Comparing two subjects explore similarities between them, whereas contrasting figures out the differences. The objective of this essay is to identify the similarities and differences between the subjects and to present a clear understanding of their unique characteristics.

A compare-and-contrast essay helps to establish a context for the subject matter and enables one to make significant arguments through observation and analytical skills. One important aspect of this type of essay is choosing the right subjects. The subjects should be related in some way, but also have significant differences that allow for a meaningful comparison. For example, you could compare and contrast two different cultures, two different cities, or two different movies.

When writing a compare and contrast essay, it’s important to have a clear thesis statement that outlines the main points of comparison. The body paragraphs should provide specific examples and evidence to support your argument. Additionally, you should use transitional words and phrases to help the reader follow your line of thought.

Importance of Creating an Outline for Compare and Contrast Essay

Creating an outline is an essential part of the writing process for any type of essay. It helps writers organize their thoughts and ideas, ensuring that their writing is coherent, logical, and flows smoothly. When it comes to a compare and contrast essay, an outline is even more critical as it helps writers identify the similarities and differences between the subjects they are analyzing, which can sometimes be complex and nuanced.

An outline provides a structure for your essay, making it easier to write a clear and concise essay that effectively compares and contrasts the two subjects. It allows you to plan the essay, ensuring that you have covered all the important points you want to discuss, and helps to prevent you from wandering off-topic.

To structure a compare and contrast essay, two outline methods can be utilized to organize the factual analysis. These are the block method and the point-by-point method.

  • Block Structure: The block method entails presenting all the information about the first subject, including its characteristics and specific details, and then doing the same for the second subject.
  • Point-by-point Structure: This method involves listing similarities and differences simultaneously for both subjects, by analyzing each point and making them more explicit for the reader to understand.

Each format has its advantages and disadvantages, with the block method being simpler for the writer, while the point-by-point method requires deeper analysis to make the similarities and differences more comprehensible to the reader. Let us look at each method closely to understand how to create an outline for compare and contrast effectively.

Outline for Compare-and-Contrast Essay – The Methods

There are two main methods for creating a compare-and-contrast essay outline: the block method and the point-by-point method. Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice depends on your preferences and the requirements of your assignment.

Block Method

The block method is also known as the subject-by-subject or the whole-to-whole method. In this structure, you first discuss all the aspects of one subject or object, then move on to the other subject or object and discuss all its aspects. The block method is useful when the subjects being compared are complex and have many similarities and differences.

Outline Template:

I. Introduction

A. General statement about the subjects being compared

B. Thesis statement

II. Body Paragraph 1: Subject A

A. Aspect 1

B. Aspect 2

C. Aspect 3

III. Body Paragraph 2: Subject B

A. Aspect 1

B. Aspect 2

C. Aspect 3

IV. Conclusion

A. Restate thesis statement

B. Summarize the main points

C. Final thoughts or recommendations

Point-by-Point Structure

The point-by-point structure is also known as the alternating or back-and-forth method. In this structure, you compare and contrast each aspect of both subjects or objects in each paragraph. The point-by-point structure is useful when the subjects being compared have a lot of similarities and differences.

Outline Template:

I. Introduction

A. General statement about the subjects being compared; specify your theme

B. Thesis statement

II. Body Paragraph 1: Aspect 1

A. Subject A

B. Subject B

III. Body Paragraph 2: Aspect 2

A. Subject A

B. Subject B

IV. Body Paragraph 3: Aspect 3

A. Subject A

B. Subject B

V. Conclusion

A. Restate thesis statement

B. Summarize the main points

C. Final thoughts or recommendations

Creating a well-structured outline for a compare and contrast essay can be achieved by using either of the two patterns described. If you encounter any challenges in following the pattern or you don’t know how to conclude an essay, you can seek guidance from the experienced professionals at PenMyPaper. Their expertise in writing various types of essays on diverse topics can prove invaluable in your essay-writing endeavors.

Steps to Develop an Outline for Compare and Contrast Essay

Follow the steps below to create an outline for compare and contrast essay smoothly.

Step 1: Choose Your Subjects

Before starting the outline, you need to choose the subjects that you will be comparing and contrasting. Check out some topics for compare and contrast essay and a few examples to develop a better understanding of how it is written. Once you have decided on a broad topic, for example, topics related to science, history, social media, etc., it is important to select subjects that have significant differences and similarities. Based on the topic, choose two subjects and ensure that they share some common features or are related. For example, you might compare and contrast two different types of music or two different sports teams.

Step 2: Gather Information

Once you have chosen your subjects, you need to gather information about them by researching extensively. It is important to have a good understanding of each subject before you start the outline. You can use resources such as books, articles, or online resources from credible and reliable sources to gather information. Make sure to take notes on the significant similarities and differences between the two subjects. This will help you to organize your thoughts and make sure that you are addressing all of the important points in your essay.

Step 3: Write Your Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement should clearly state the purpose of your essay and what you will be comparing and contrasting. It should be a single sentence that presents your argument and provides a direction for your paper. Make sure your thesis statement is concise and accurately reflects the main points of your essay.

Step 4: Create an Outline Structure

The outline structure should be clear and easy to follow. You can choose a particular method to outline your essay. The point-by-point method may be more effective when the subjects being compared have many similarities and differences that can be addressed on a point-by-point basis. This method may also be more useful when the writer wants to emphasize the direct comparison between the two subjects.

The block method, on the other hand, may be more appropriate when the writer wants to emphasize the differences between the two subjects, and when the subjects being compared have few similarities. It may also be more straightforward for the reader to follow when the writer has a lot of information to present.

Ultimately, both methods can be effective if used appropriately, and the choice between them depends on the specific requirements of the assignment and the writer’s goals for the essay.

Step 5: Fill in the Details

Once you have the outline structure, fill in the details for each point. Make sure to use specific examples and evidence to support your points. Be sure to organize your information clearly and concisely.

How to Compose an Outline for Compare and Contrast Essay

To write an outline for a compare and contrast essay, it’s crucial to follow the essay format. The entire paper should be organized effectively and adhere to respective guidelines, regardless of whether you are writing in MLA format or Harvard style. The following is a comprehensive writing pattern for a compare and contrast essay:


The introduction is the first part of the essay, and it’s important to grab the reader’s attention and give them an idea of what the essay will cover. A hook sentence is a great way to do this. This could be an anecdote, quote, question, or anything else that will pique the reader’s interest. After the hook, the introduction should introduce the two topics or subjects. These topics should be related to a central theme, and it’s important to make this connection clear to the reader. Thereafter, provide some background information on the topic which could be a brief history of the subject or a summary of the main points you’ll be discussing. Finally, the introduction should end with a specific thesis statement that will guide the essay and give it focus.

Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs of a compare and contrast essay should present the similarities and differences between the two subjects or topics. Depending on the number of criteria or aspects you need to discuss, you can have several body paragraphs. You can brainstorm and analyze different comparing and contrasting elements, using a Venn diagram or list. Each paragraph should present one aspect of the comparison, and it’s important to be clear and concise. You should state your opinions about each similarity and difference and support them with evidence, statistics, or official data. It’s also important to use transition words or phrases to make the essay flow smoothly from one paragraph to the next.


The conclusion is the final part of the essay and should summarize the main ideas discussed in the paper. This should include a restatement of the thesis, as well as a summary of the main points covered in the body paragraphs. In addition, the conclusion should evaluate the points being discussed in the paper and analyze possible solutions. Finally, the conclusion should clarify the significance of the main topic and show the objective behind showing the differences or similarities between them. This can be a powerful way to leave a lasting impression on the readers.

Examples of Outline for Compare and Contrast Essay

Here are some examples of compare-and-contrast essay outline using both the block method and the point-by-point structure:

Block Method Example

Topic: Staycation vs Vacation

I. Introduction

A. General introduction to the topic

B. Brief explanation of the two types of vacations: staycations and vacations

C. Thesis statement

II. Body

A. Staycations

1. Definition

2. Advantages

a. Cost-effective

b. Less time for traveling

c. Opportunity to explore local attractions

3. Disadvantages

a. Limited options for entertainment

b. Limited opportunities to disconnect from work and responsibilities

c. Lack of change in scenery

B. Vacations

1. Definition

2. Advantages

a. Opportunity to explore new places and cultures

b. Chance to disconnect from work and responsibilities

c. Change in scenery

3. Disadvantages

a. More expensive

b. Requires more planning and travel time

c. Unfamiliar surroundings may be stressful or overwhelming

III. Conclusion

A. Restate thesis statement

B. Summarize key points of comparison and contrast

C. Offer personal perspective or recommendation

Point-by-Point Structure Example

Topic: Comparing and contrasting two different types of cars

I. Introduction

A. Brief description of the two types of cars

B. Thesis statement

II. Body Paragraph 1: Price

A. Type A

1. Price range

2. Features included

B. Type B

1. Price range

2. Features included

III. Body Paragraph 2: Performance

A. Type A

1. Acceleration

2. Fuel efficiency

B. Type B

1. Acceleration

2. Fuel efficiency

IV. Body Paragraph 3: Safety

A. Type A

1. Safety features

2. Crash test ratings

B. Type B

1. Safety features

2. Crash test ratings

V. Conclusion

A. Restate thesis statement

B. Summarize the main points

C. Final thoughts or recommendations

Final Tips on Outline for Compare and Contrast Essay

  • Use transitional phrases

Transitional phrases are important in a compare and contrast essay because they help the reader to understand how the two subjects are related. Some examples of transitional phrases include “similarly,” “in contrast,” and “on the other hand.”

  • Focus on the most important points

When creating your outline, make sure to focus on the most important points. You don’t need to cover every single similarity and difference between the two subjects. Instead, focus on the ones that are most relevant to your thesis statement.

  • Use specific examples

To make your essay more engaging, use specific examples to illustrate your points. This will help the reader to understand your argument and make your essay more memorable.

  • Revise and edit your outline

Once you have created your outline, take some time to revise and edit it. Make sure that each point is relevant to your thesis statement and that the overall organization makes sense.

To wrap up, a compare-and-contrast essay is a valuable academic exercise that requires a clear understanding of the subjects being compared and contrasted. The point-by-point and block methods are both effective in organizing the essay, but the choice between them depends on the specific requirements of the assignment and the goals of the writer. To create a successful compare and contrast essay, it is essential to have a well-structured outline, a clear thesis statement, and supporting evidence.

In case you have further doubts or need more assistance, seeking guidance from professionals can help ensure a well-written and impactful essay. Just say ‘write my paper for me’ and the expert writers at PenMyPaper will provide help with any type of assignment. Check out our knowledge base to find a plethora of useful articles that include expository essay examples, narrative essay topics, explanation essays, and much more.

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