Brand Development Strategies

Published June 21, 2021 | Author: PenMyPaper

Historically brand development signified increasing the disposable income, increase the market size, and introduce more sophisticated distribution system. Now the theories have been extended. Brand development means successfully launch a new product and look for opportunities to modify the product for improvement or increase the product line so as to extend the business (Panda, 2009, p. 358). The brand development strategies include line or brand extension, introducing a new brand or multiband, but it depends on whether the product exists or new. It is important to ascertain the vision of the company, promises that it has made to its customers to deliver, the actual product the company is able to deliver and the positioning strategies.

In this article, our paper writer will talk about Starbucks' brand image to give you a comprehensive insight into the intricate elements that have contributed to its remarkable success and widespread recognition. From its early beginnings to its global presence today, we'll delve into how Starbucks has masterfully crafted a brand identity that goes beyond coffee, touching on aspects like ambiance, sustainability, community engagement, and consumer loyalty.

This article also highlights the effective promotion of Starbucks that have contributed to its widespread recognition. By examining how Starbucks strategically communicates its values and unique offerings to a diverse audience, you'll gain insights into how a well-executed promotion can further solidify a brand's identity and connect with customers on a meaningful level. This exploration not only sheds light on Starbucks' success but also provides valuable lessons for anyone looking to enhance their own brand's visibility and resonance in today's competitive market.





Brand Vision

Brand Promise


Brand Delivery

Brand Positioning

Brand Vision: The vision of Starbucks is to establish the company and its products as the most respected and recognized brands in the world. The company also has the long-term goal to increase its shops around the world, double the number of coffee shops in US to 20,000 and eventually 30,000. So, another vision is the expansion plan of the company. The name of the company has itself become the synonym for coffee, so the Starbucks itself can be denoted as a brand. 

Brand Promise: Starbucks promises to offer highest quality coffee. It also wants to provide an ambience for people to spend happy moments with their family or friends and share a perfect cup of coffee and tasty snacks with them. The target of Starbucks is to provide new, fresh and happy experience through great service. Their motto is to serve best coffee, provide best place and offer best services.

Brand Delivery: Brand delivery means opening up new coffee shops and offering those products which the company has decided to sell under the brand name such as packaged coffee, pastries, sandwiches, espresso, teas, or accessories, etc. They also sponsor social events and maintain online store for selling their products. Digging into their brand image reveals how the Starbucks vision statement seamlessly aligns with real-world customer interactions, showcasing how a strong brand identity can make a company's ideals come alive.

Brand Positioning: Starbucks has chosen to market itself by using an unconventional marketing strategy that is unique and generally not tried by other companies in the industry. They positioned themselves as a perfect and little expensive coffee shop that will offer customers delicious and rich coffee. They have developed strategic partnerships with business houses to sell Starbucks coffee in big companies and organizations. They are the first to introduce internet facility in their shops. So, it can be said that Starbucks positioned itself as a technologically equipped coffee store where people can sit, relax, chat with people over a cup of coffee and also surf internet or do their important work by utilizing internet facility. They literally hear their customer suggestions and implement them.

Also, read our comprehensive article on SWOT analysis of Starbucks to gain a strategic perspective on the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This in-depth exploration will provide you with valuable insights into how Starbucks navigates the ever-evolving market landscape, capitalizes on its internal advantages, addresses potential challenges, and identifies avenues for growth.

We hope that this article was of help to you in understanding the impressive story behind Starbucks' brand image. For more such helpful articles and help with your assignments online, consider reaching out to penmypaper buying an essay at affordable price. 

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