The 4P model is typically used to assess the strategies of a company using four key parameters, such as its products, it’s pricing, the place of product availability, and its promotion. This model can be used to assess the business strategies of Apple Inc., one of the well-established brands in the contemporary global market. This can be of great help to any student who is trying to get an Assignment Help in a related domain.
The products developed by Apple belongs to personal computer and consumer electronics sector. Even though the value proposition of the company is limited to one industrial sector only, yet its product line is widely stretched out. Apple presently offers products in a wide range of product categories such as smartphones, personal computers, tablets, computers, smart multimedia devices, smart speakers, music purchases, and streaming services. (Similar to writing a research paper using different referencing styles.)
It isn’t required to learn how to conduct an internal audit in order to understand that Apple follows a premium pricing approach. Apple has priced its products to be higher in comparison to other products in the market. The high pricing structure is justified by the company through the superior product quality, innovative product design and unique user experience. Moreover, the high price point of Apple products contributes to the brand’s aspiration value among the customers.
It has been seen in recent scenarios, that Apple has switched to a 100% renewable energy strategy and is also pushing its suppliers to go green as well. To fight climate change, Apple has been considerably using recycled materials, and their data centers are now running over green power through solar and wind. This cost-effective approach is not only reducing its carbon footprints, but is also optimizing Apple’s entire costing.
In terms of product availability, these products are available worldwide, through physical retail stores and online platforms. Even though the company caters to a relatively narrow market segment through its premium pricing strategy, it still serves a fairly large market size owing to its global market penetration. Undoubtedly, Apple has made student discounts available to the needy by introducing a wide variety of their gadgets, so learning these days is no more a rough resume for students.
Finally, speaking of the promotional activities of Apple, the company uses an integrated communicational approach, that combines both digital and traditional marketing strategies. When you say a writing service like PenMyPaper to write a persuasive essay, it does just the same to satisfy the academic requirements of the students. The adoption of digital marketing by Apple is fairly recent, as compared to other big brands in the same industry. However, the aggressive marketing approach has worked in the company’s favor to strengthen its brand awareness.